How to maintain the electric sightseeing bus

2024/07/12 10:02

Electric Sightseeing Buses have become an indispensable tool for tourism. So how to maintain such a huge amount of work to ensure its work efficiency and extend its service life? In summary, the maintenance of sightseeing bus mainly starts from the following aspects:

1. Be sure to remove the key before charging to turn off the power of the electric sightseeing bus.

2. When charging, all battery covers should be opened, and the room should be ventilated. Open flames are strictly prohibited! To prevent explosions! (Hydrogen is produced during the charging process).

3. Check the liquid level in the battery before each charging, and it should be kept 5 to 10 mm higher than the plate grid.

4. When the battery liquid level is insufficient, add special distilled water for the battery (it is recommended to use a large plastic barrel of distilled water that meets the national standard of more than 20 liters. If tap water or small bottles of supplementary liquids are added, it will cause damage to the battery!).

5. Use clean plastic cups or porcelain cups and other non-metallic utensils when adding water. Prevent impurities from entering the battery. If impurities fall into the battery, do not use metal materials such as iron wire or copper wire to pick them up. Use a clean wooden stick to remove the impurities.

6. The sightseeing bus should be fully charged every time to avoid stopping charging in the middle of the journey (occasional stopping charging in the middle of the journey has little effect on the battery).

7. The sightseeing bus must be charged in time on the same day after each use (more than 15 kilometers).

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